Create Publicly Accessible RDS Instance

Create Publicly Accessible RDS Instance

Steps to Make Your RDS Instance Publicly Accessible

Table of contents


For this task, create one publicly accessible RDS instance using a free tier template along with the following details:

  • The name of the RDS instance must be xfusion-rds.

  • The engine type must be MySQL v8.0.36, and it must be a db.t3.micro type instance.

  • The master username must be xfusion_admin and set some appropriate password.

  • RDS storage type must be gp2 and storage size must be 5GiB.

  • Keep the rest of the configurations as default. Finally, make sure the instance is in available state before submitting this task.


  1. RDS → Create database

  2. Select free tier template

  3. RDS storage = gp2 and storage size = 5GiB.

  4. Everything is going well, but I forgot to select Publicly Accessible. I'll modify it now.

  5. Connectivity → Public access → Publicly accessible

  6. RDS → Databases → Modify DB instance: xfusion-rds

  7. Our RDS instance is publicly accessible now.

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